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Ferguson, L.A., Harikumar, A., & Leal, S.L. (in press). Retirement through rose-colored glasses: greater positivity bias in retired relative to working older adults. Work, Aging and Retirement, waae014.

Morales-Calva, F. & Leal, S.L. (2024). Emotional Modulation of Memorability in Mnemonic Discrimination. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 107904.


Hayes, B. K., Harikumar, A., Ferguson, L. A., Dicker, E. E., Denny, B., & Leal, S. L. (2023). Emotion regulation during encoding reduces negative and enhances neutral mnemonic discrimination in individuals with depressive symptoms. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory.

Phillips, T., Castro, M., Vas, R., Ferguson, L. A., Harikumar, A., & Leal, S. L. (2023). Effective antidepressant treatment is associated with reduced negative and enhanced neutral mnemonic discrimination in depression. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

Mannion, R., Harikumar, A., Morales-Calva, F., & Leal, S. L. (2023). A novel face-name mnemonic discrimination task with naturalistic stimuli. Neuropsychologia.

Petersen, C. M., DeLucia, P. R., Oswald, F. L., Kortum, P., Leal, S.L., Pickens, S., & Hekel, B. (2023). Toward user-centered assistive technologies for aging in place with cognitive impairment: A survey. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology.

Ferguson, L.A. & Leal, S.L. (2023) Neurobiology: basic concepts and disease implications (Book chapter in Lifestyle Psychiatry: Through the Lens of Behavioral Medicine (Lifestyle Medicine)).


Ferguson, L.A., & Leal, S.L. (2022). Interactions of Emotion and Memory in the Aging Brain: Neural and Psychological Correlates. Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports.

Wu, E.L., Leal, S.L., Denny, B.T., Cheng, S.L., Fagundes, C.P. (2022). Spousal caregiving, widowhood, and cognition: A systematic review and a biopsychosocial framework for understanding the relationship between interpersonal losses and dementia risk in older adulthood. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 134, 104487.


Granger, S., Leal, S.L., Larson, M.S., Janecek, J., McMillan, L., Stern, H., & Yassa, M.A. (2021). Integrity of the Uncinate Fasciculus is Associated with Emotional Pattern Separation-Related fMRI Signals in the Hippocampal Dentate and CA3Neurobiology of Learning & Memory, 177, 107359.


Leal, S.L., Ferguson, L.A., Harrison, T.M., & Jagust, W.J. (2019). Development of a mnemonic discrimination task using naturalistic stimuli with applications to aging and preclinical Alzheimer’s diseaseLearning & Memory, 26(7), 219-228.

Leal, S.L. & Yassa, M.Y. (2019). Normal Cognitive and Brain AgingOxford Handbooks on Aging. Oxford University Press.


Leal, S.L., Cunningham, T.J., Wirth, M., Yassa, M.A., & Payne, J.D. (2018). Post-encoding stress enhances mnemonic discrimination of negative stimuli. Learning & Memory, 25(12): 611-619.

Leal, S.L, Lockhart, S.N, Maass, A., Bell, R.K., Jagust, W.J. (2018). Subthreshold amyloid predicts tau deposition in aging. The Journal of Neuroscience, 38(19): 4482-4489.

Leal, S.L. & Yassa, M.Y. (2018). Integrating new findings and examining clinical applications of pattern separation. Nature Neuroscience, 21(2):163-173.


Leal. S.L., Landau, S.M., Bell, R.K., & Jagust, W.J. (2017). Hippocampal activation is associated with longitudinal amyloid accumulation and cognitive decline. eLife, 6:e22978.

Leal, S.L., Noche, J.A., Murray, E.A., Yassa, M.A. (2017). Disruption of amygdala-entorhinal-hippocampal network in late-life depression. Hippocampus, 27(4):464-476.

Anderson, B.A., Chiu, M., DiBartolo, M.M., & Leal, S.L. (2017). On the distinction between value-driven attention and selection history: evidence from individuals with depressive symptoms. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 24(5):1-7.

Zheng, J., Anderson, K.L., Leal, S.L., Shestyuk, A., Gulsen, G., Vadera, S., Mnatsakanyan, L., Hsu, F.P.K., Yassa, M.A., Knight, R.T., & Lin, J.J. (2017). Amygdala-Hippocampal Dynamics During Fearful Face Processing. Nature Communications, 8:14413.


Leal, S.L., Noche, J.A., Murray, E.A., Yassa, M.A. (2016). Age-related individual variability in memory performance is associated with amygdala-hippocampal circuit function and emotional pattern separation. Neurobiology of Aging. 49, 9-19.

Leal, S.L., Noche, J.A., Murray, E.A., Yassa, M.A. (2016). Positivity effect specific to older adults with subclinical memory impairment. Learning & Memory, 23(8), 415-421.

Reagh, Z.M., Ho, H.D., Noche, J.A., Chun, A., Leal, S.L., Murray, E.A., & Yassa, M.A. (2016). Greater loss of object than spatial mnemonic discrimination in aged adults. Hippocampus, 26(4), 417-422.


Leal, S.L, Yassa, M. (2015). Neurocognitive Aging and the Hippocampus Across SpeciesTrends in Neuroscience. 38(12), 800-812.

Leal, S., Yassa, M. (2015). Chapter 2: The aging hippocampus: a cross species examination. Preservation of Memory. Psychology Press (Taylor and Francis).


Leal, S.L., Yassa, M.A. (2014). Effects of aging on mnemonic discrimination of emotional information. Behavioral Neuroscience, 128(5), 539-547.

Anderson, B.A., Leal, S.L., Hall, M.G., Yassa, M.A., Yantis, S. (2014). The attribution of value-based attentional priority in individuals with depressive symptoms. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 14(4), 1221-1227.

Leal, S.L., Tighe, S.K., Jones, Craig K., Yassa, M.A. (2014). Pattern separation of emotional information in hippocampal dentate/CA3. Hippocampus. 24: 1146-1155. 

Leal, S.L., Tighe, S.K., & Yassa, M.A. (2014). Asymmetric effects of emotion on mnemonic interference. Neurobiology of Learning & Memory. 111: 41-48.


Leal, S.L., Yassa, M.A. (2013). Perturbations of Neural Circuitry in Aging, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Alzheimer’s Disease. Ageing Research Reviews. 12(3): 823-831.